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Roasted Artichoke with Lemon Cashew Crema

Garlic Roasted Artichokes with Lemon Cashew Cream- ayurveda approved and tridosha friendly, meaning every mind/body constitutional type can enjoy them in moderation without falling off path!

Artichokes are bitter and astringent with cooling and drying properties, making them ideal for Pitta and Kapha doshas (those of us prone to overheating or heaviness), as well as our plasma, but can aggravate Vata in excess. Artichokes are also known to alkalize the body and promote a strong flow of prana, or vitality, throughout it.

Biomedically, they are recognized as being high in magnesium and soluble fiber, with various medical properties, such as: stimulating peristalsis, lowering blood sugar, and acting as a cholagogue, laxative, hepatoprotective, and hypolipidemic.

They are useful in cases of: diabetes fatty liver, gall bladder inflammation, gallstones, hepatitis (past or present), high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, insulin resistance, jaundice, liver sores, thicking tongue coating, yellow eyes, sclera, yellowing skin or teetg, fatty deposits, lipoma, slow/heavy digestion, and other diseases and symptoms related to Pitta Kapha derangment.

Someone with a weak digestion or Vata imbalance, may experience gas or bloating from overconsumption of artichoke.

The Ingredients

For Artichokes:

  • Artichoke (2-3):

  • Garlic (4-5 cloves):

  • Olive Oil (2 tb):

  • Ghee or Butter (2 tb):

  • Salt and Pepper to taste

For Cashew Cream:

  • Cashews, soaked (1/2 Cup)

  • Lemon/Lime (4 tb. juice, 2 tsp. zest):

  • Nutritional Yeast (1/2 tb):

  • Olive Oil (2-3 tb):

  • Garlic (1-2 cloves):

The Process

For Artichokes

  1. Boil water in large pot with enough salt to taste it in the water + turn oven on broil

  2. Once boiling, add the artichoke and cook until soft

  3. When theyre soft, take them out and place them on a sheet rack to drain (I squeezed them a bit too like juicing a lemon lol)

  4. Once water stops dripping out, cut them in halves or quarters and place them inside up on the rack and atop a cookie sheet

  5. Either blend the remaining ingredients together or dice the garlic and combine with oil, butter, and salt, and pepper

  6. Open the artichoke leaves slightly (and remove smaller hairs if you want), then top with the garlic butter oil mixture, allowing it to seep in.

  7. Once done, place them into the oven and cook for a few minutes, until the tops begin to brown.

For Cashew Cream:

  1. Soak cashews in water for a few hours or boil them until soft for a few minutes

  2. Add to blender with remaining ingredients, more lemon juice and oil make for a more runny dip!

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